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AEFAC is an industry focused initiative which aims to set the standards for the specification, selection, design and application of anchors and fasteners in Australia. Established in 2012, AEFAC is a consortium made up of Swinburne University of Technology, Leviat, Hilti (Aust.), Hobson Engineering Co, Ramset, Stanley Black & Decker (Powers), Wurth Australia, Iccons, MiTek, Multinail, pryda and United Fasteners Australia. The main service of AEFAC to the Australian construction industry is to enhance the safety and efficiency associated with the use of structural anchors and fasteners. AEFAC is based at Swinburne University of Technology with access to state-of-the-art testing and research capabilities. The guidelines and resources being developed by AEFAC are intended to become the codes of practice in Australia.